#StayAtHome with Antabax


The Prime Minister has announced that beginning March 18, 2020 and until the end of the month, the entire country will be on a movement control order to help to curtail the spread of Covid-19.

Globally, the first line of defence for communicable diseases, Covid-19 is to wash hands frequently, or sanitise with an alcohol-based hand sanitiser if hands are not visibly dirty to kill germs on hands avoid transferring these germs to the face, mouth or nose where they are more easily get into the respiratory system.

“Hand washing is a crucial precaution the public have to take now.  We understand the difficulty to purchase the products at this moment, as our team is working really hard to replenish the stocks at the retailers.  We are encouraging the public to opt for bar soap, where liquid soap is not available as both product formats provide similar effect for hand wash, kills up to 99.9% of harmful germs,” said Francis Ng, Senior General Manager, Lam Soon Edible Oils Sdn Bhd.

Avoid Counterfeit and Understand the Flammable Risks
The brand urges the public to only purchase the products from the retailers such as Caring, Guardian, Watsons, other pharmacies nationwide.The brand has noticed counterfeit hand sanitiser with the resemble of Antabax brand, of which further action underway. 

“There was a viral post circulating on social media on danger of alcohol-based hand sanitiser.  Antabax hand sanitiser spray contains 67% alcohol, whereas the hand sanitiser gel contains 65% alcohol.” added Ng.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that many studies that sanitisers with an alcohol concentration between 65%-95% are more effective at killing germs than those with a lower alcohol concentration or non-alcohol based hand sanitisers. 

According to World Health Organization, all alcohol-based products are potentially flammable and therefore should be stored away from high temperatures and flames.  The benefits of the alcohol in terms of infection prevention far outweigh the fire risks.

Shower with Soap
Antabax encourages Malaysian to take the advice given by Ministry of Health on taking shower with soap, and wash whole body after shopping for the essentials, and then only to have contact with family members.  Antabax shower cream comes with various variant kills up to 99.9% of harmful germs. 

Be a part of the community and know more on Antabax latest campaigns and initiative by visiting Antabax official Facebook page at www.fb.com/NewAntabax or @antabax on Instagram.


  1. Waalaikumussalam. Semoga dipermudahkan urusan kita sepanjang PKP ni. Aamiin

  2. Qis pun pakai antabax ni. Sebagai perlindungan musim macam ni kan.

  3. hari tu dan la beli hand sanitizer Antabax.. pegi kedai skali lagi habis da stock..

  4. Antabax antibacterial sesuai guna waktu skrg ni

  5. handwash kat rumah ni da nak habis dah ni
