A MoU Signing Ceremony was Held Virtually on Tuesday Establishing Tourism Selangor’s Role in the Development of the “Go Selangor” Mobile Application

The Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signing ceremony held earlier today between Tourism Selangorand Tourplus Technology SdnBhd(Tourplus) marked yet another milestone for Tourism Selangor; in-line with its vision in gearing up towards “Tourism 4.0” and tourism digitalization.

Signing on behalf of Tourism Selangor was its General Manager, Mr. Azrul Shah Mohamad, and Mr. Rickson Goh, Founder and CEO of Tourplus. The ceremony which took place virtually, in accordance with the SOPs established Tourism Selangor’s role as a strategic partner in the development of the “Go Selangor” mobile application. The strategic partnership is set to promote Selangor’s tourism industry by utilizing Tourplus’ advanced technology.

Azrul Shah Mohamad in a statement shared, “The application is coherent with
Tourism Selangor’s vision to strengthen its digital presence, as well as to
enhance tourists’ experience in Selangor. Selangor is the most-advanced State
in Malaysia, and we aspire its tourism industry to be as advanced. ‘Go Selangor’
mobile application definitely offers both easementand convenience at the
Meanwhile, Mr. Rickson Goh shared, “With collaboration with Tourism Selangor, we believe Tourpluswill be able to help the travel industry transform into digitalization 4.0, as well as local industry playersin reviving domestic tourism market for them to be ready for post Covid-19 travel demands.”

The smart partnership which is also supported by Selangor Information Technology and Digital Economy Corporation (SIDEC)will in a way promote Tourism Selangor’s latest Domestic Tourism Promotional Campaign; “Pusing Selangor Dulu”.
“Apart from promoting the“Pusing Selangor Dulu” Campaign to the masses, this partnership will also help Selangor’s tourism industry players in rebuilding and stabilizing their operations post Covid-19.My aspiration would be to see more Selangor residents especially its industry players using the “Go Selangor’ mobile application in the future”, Mr. Azrul Shah Mohamad added.

on to Tourism Selangor’s
official website, www.selangor.travelfor any updates on the “Go
Selangor” mobile application or keep-up with Tourism Selangor’s postings across
its social media platform; Facebook, Instagram, Twitter TikTok and YouTube
channel. Stay inspired with the hashtag ImagineNowExperienceSoon. Stay
tuned and watch this space!

Rindunya nak cuti-cuti. Bila lah COVID ni nak habis. Semoga cepat COVID ni berlalu dari sini & kita boleh macam dulu. Nak jalan2 bila-bila masa & nak balik kampung pun tak payah nak minta kebenaran bagai.